Category: PS3

Using the PS3 & Xbox 360 in 2017

The Xbox 360 and PS3: how does a 10 year old game console stack up in 2017? Xbox One X

Playing GTA 5 on PS3 in 2018

Playing GTA 5 on PS3 in 2018! For more GTA 5 videos LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! Help Me Reach 3000000 SUBSCRIBERS:

PS3: 10 Years Later

Xbox 360: 10 Years Later It’s been 10 years since the PS3 brought the Sony PlayStation

10 Things You Didn’t Know Your PS3 Could Do

SECRET PS3 FEATURES. The PlayStation 3 rocked the market on release, and in many people’s opinions, beat out the Xbox

Should You Buy a PS3 in 2018?

Should you buy a Playstation 3 in 2018? The PS3 has had countless games released for it, many of which

what happens when you get on ps3 in 2018?

ever wondered what happens when you play and get on ps3 in 2017? watch the video to find out!...

10 PS3 Facts You Probably Didn’t Know

The PlayStation 3 is now a historic console. Here are some weird facts about it that you may have missed.